The Leeds and the Thousand Islands Archives acquires, preserves, promotes and makes available the historical record of the Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands. Our collections include letters, diaries, municipal documents, maps, drawings, postcards, and photographs.
We are happy to accept materials offered for donation that fulfill our mandate and do not duplicate items already in the collection. The archivist would love to meet with you to evaluate your potential donations. Please inquire using the contact information below!
The Archives is part of a Heritage Centre, Springfield House Museum, and the headquarters of the Lakes and Islands Times Past digitization project.
Please note that the Archives is currently located in the trailer on the left side of the Escott Town Hall building.
You can find all of the current database of items at https://ltiarchives.ca/, which is regularly updated by the Archive team.
Street Address
Leeds and the Thousand Islands Archives
1365 County Road 2
Escott, Ontario
K0E 1R0
Mailing Address
Leeds and the Thousand Islands Archives
P.O. Box 219
Lansdowne, ON
K0E 1L0
Email Address: archivist@ltiarchives.ca
Telephone: 613-659-3800
Archives Hours
Monday – By Appointment
Tuesday – By Appointment
Wednesday – By Appointment
Thursday - 1:00pm to 8:00pm
Friday – By Appointment
Saturday – By Appointment
Sunday – By Appointment
Staff Directory
All volunteer staff can be contacted at archivist@ltiarchives.ca or by phone (during open hours), 613-659-3800.
Pierre M.
Donnie D.
Art S.
James S.
Keith S.
Leeds and the Thousand Islands Archives building - formerly the Escott Masonic Hall.
The temporary home of the Archives. Found on the far left of the property.