Updates & FAQ
*Last updated October 31, 2023.
Find all current open hours here: Lansdowne, Lyndhurst, Seeley’s Bay
What library services I can use from home?
Online services can be accessed from anywhere there is internet access, by using your library card to login. If you require your PIN number, please call us with your full library card number on hand to confirm your identity and our staff will be happy to provide yours.
Visit our catalogue here: LTI Bibliocommons
Visit our digital resources page here: Online Resources
Hoopla and/or Libby is not working!
The most common issues with Hoopla and/or Libby access is expired cards!
Please check that your library card is not expired by giving us a call or visiting a branch during open hours. If your card is expired, a staff member will confirm a few key contact details and renew your access for 2 years.
If you are still experiencing issues beyond the above, please try again in 24 hours. An outage for Libby or Hoopla may be undergoing correction.
How should I return the items I have checked out?
Please return all books to the book returns outside each branch when the library is closed. Please return the items in person during open hours.
If you require help finding the book return boxes please let a library staff member know.
I need my library card renewed.
Please contact us at staff@ltipl.net or phone us at Lansdowne during open hours. The staff will verify your information and resolve the issue with your card. Cards expire after 2 years.
If you also require a PIN, or PIN number change, please let us know and we will help.
Can I access public computers inside the library?
All branches have accessible computers for public use with 45 minutes of usage, up to twice per day. Please have your library card ready to login at the computer station upon your visit. If you require help with the login process please let one of the library staff know.
Why are there fines on my account when I returned my item on time?
Fines will be cleared, if owing, upon check-in of your items. If you see a fine that should not be there please let us know by calling you local branch. We do our best to remove fines as they appear and we practice Fine Free Returns for all members.
What if my holds are ready for pickup?
One of our library staff members will call you when holds are available for pickup. If you have an email address on account you will also receive a notification within 24 hours of the item arriving at your chosen library branch.
How do I access the Wi-Fi/internet at the library?
Our Wi-Fi is accessible from outside Lansdowne, Lyndhurst, and Seeley’s Bay from the parking lot. Please use the “LIBRARY-PUBLIC” or “LTI-PUBLIC” network when selecting a valid Wi-Fi network name.
The wireless network is available outside of open hours for all library members.
Please be aware that the network may have unforeseen outages. We will do our best to inform the public about these outages when they occur.
COVID-19 Resources and Procedures
Please check the latest info with the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit, Canadian Government, and Ontario Provincial Government. We use these resources to determine our own policies and procedures. Any relevant information will be posted in entrance ways at each branch, as they become applicable.
*Patrons are not required to disclose their vaccination status to library staff and vice-versa.
*Proof of vaccination is not required to enter or use any of the library resources.
*Masks are not required to enter the library or attend programming presented by the library.